
Ideas That Can Help You Generate Essay Topics List

If you already have college essay topics to choose from, then your task is easy. But there might be cases where the teacher might want you to come up with something unique. Many students in this category fumble because generating ideas is not an easy task. However, there are ways you can produce the best topic and write-up that would earn you good marks. Here are tips that will help you out.

How to choose topics to write on

Your essay will come under any of the following niches; health, sports, education, environment and others. But to make topic selection a breeze, focus on your niche. You can generate ideas in the form of questions to produce great college essay topics.

Here are different niches and topic ideas.

Business niche

If you were not given a topic to write on but want to write an essay on a business topic, you can focus on the failures or achievements of top companies to generate topic ideas for your paper. Here are simple tips that will give you inspiration;

Tips on business topics

  • Choose a successful business; Apple, Google, Amazon, or any thriving local business in your area. Your write-up might be on things the company has done or is doing perfectly to gain success; how they attract or generate leads and more.
  • How is Apple able to motivate their staffs? What do you understand by employee motivation?
  • How is Cyber security affecting business growth?

Education niche

There are many ways you can generate essays on current topics especially events happening on campus. You can also talk about how students view education and other pressing issues in the educational sector in your locality. Here are some ideas for inspiration

Tips on education topics

  • Is a college degree worth the challenge?
  • What is the best way for college campus police to address binge drinking?

Men and women issues

Good essay topics can come from issues relating to men and women. There are even many articles you can get ideas. Here are topic ideas to get inspiration from.

  • What step can a woman facing domestic violence take?
  • Why are many women in the society depressed?
  • Why do young girls go into prostitution?
  • Why is domestic violence increasing among men?
  • How does separation between both parents affect a child?

How to write better essay after choosing the topic

After choosing your essay writing topics, consider the following steps.

Spend time on research

Before you start writing, you have to conduct in-depth research to get more knowledge about the topic. Read more than one sources so your paper would be unique and have more credible information.

Quote decent sources

Provide sources that are decent and reputable. Be sure that all your information is from reputable authors.

Your opinion does not matter

You cannot take sides or talk about your own opinion while writing unless instructed to do otherwise. If you have challenges writing from a neutral angle, you can seek essay help.


If you have more than one essay titles to choose from, concentrate on the one you have materials to write extensively on. Also, remember to cite sources that are credible and read articles written by reputable authors. And after spending hours to write, ensure you edit your paper ruthlessly to eliminate any form of error. To get professional help, simply visit MyPaperWriter.